
Transhumanism: The next “evolution” of man?

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Spiritual / Technology

Transhumanism: The next “evolution” of man?


In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, and upon the sixth day, He created man in His image. Such is the genesis of human existence as portrayed in the Holy Bible. Yet in our modern era, we encounter a new narrative that seeks to fundamentally change the nature of humanity. This narrative is called transhumanism.

Understanding Transhumanism

Transhumanism can be seen as a philosophical and intellectual movement that champions the use of technology to enhance human intellectual, physical and psychological capacities. It’s a journey towards post-humanism, a state where humans transcend their biological limitations. This ‘new species’ might be able to live longer, think faster, and be stronger. Is transhumanism a religion? Not in the traditional sense. However, its goals bear similarity to religious pursuits – the quest for immortality, omniscience, and omnipotence.

The Goals of Transhumanism

In essence, the goals of transhumanism could be seen as:

  1. Extending life span: Through advanced medical technology, transhumanists aspire to extend human life, and even ultimately, achieve immortality.
  2. Enhancing intellectual capabilities: With the help of cognitive enhancers and digital interfaces, transhumanism seeks to radically improve human cognition.
  3. Augmenting physical abilities: Genetic engineering and cybernetic implants may provide superior strength, speed, resilience, and sensory perception.
  4. Altering psychological capacity: Technologies could be used to augment emotional experiences, eliminate unwanted feelings, and enhance wellbeing.

Transhumanists argue that these goals are merely the evolution of man, and even the culmination of human progress. But as we will see, this vision is fraught with ethical, legal, and spiritual challenges.

A Leap Forward: Neuralink Gets FDA Approval

News of Neuralink getting FDA approval indeed sends ripples across the global community. This revolutionary device, which integrates digital technology with the human brain, embodies the transhumanist vision. Yet it also signals the urgency for a comprehensive discussion on its implications.

Ethical Considerations

The ethical considerations surrounding transhumanism are manifold. They include questions of access and equity, changes to human identity and society, and the potential for misuse. Some of the key ethical issues are:

  1. Access and Equity: Will enhancements be available for everyone, or only to those who can afford them? If only the rich can upgrade themselves, we may end up with a society divided between ‘enhanced’ and ‘natural’ humans.
  2. Human Identity and Society: Will the widespread use of enhancements change what it means to be human? Our shared biology is a key part of our identity and society. If we start changing that, we could radically alter the nature of human existence.
  3. Potential Misuse: Like any powerful technology, enhancements could be misused. For instance, they could be used to create super-soldiers, or to control or exploit others.

Given these considerations, it’s vital that any journey towards transhumanism be undertaken with the utmost care and wisdom.

Legal Ramifications

Transhumanism also presents significant legal ramifications. For instance, if genetically modified (GM) humans could be patented, as has been the case for GM organisms, this would raise serious concerns about ownership and exploitation. Would a corporation or individual ‘own’ a GM human if they created or funded the modifications? Could they profit from the ‘products’ of that GM human, such as their increased productivity or longevity? Such possibilities highlight the need for clear laws and regulations to protect the rights and interests of all individuals.

Playing God with Creation

The pursuit of transhumanism risks the sanctity of God’s creation. Humans are made in the image of God according to Genesis. It’s important to remember that the divine likeness is both spiritual and physical, reflecting our unique role as God’s representatives on earth. Altering the human form and function could compromise this likeness and blur the divine-human boundary.

Genesis, The Seed War and the Purity of Creation

In the narrative of Adam and Eve’s fall, God declared a seed war, putting enmity between the “seed of the woman” and the “seed of the serpent”. This indicates a dualistic spiritual and genetic battle plan. The war became manifest in Genesis 6, where “all flesh” had become corrupted. The “sons of God”, or Ben na Elohim in Hebrew, copulated with the daughters of men, giving rise to giants or nephilim.

Yet Noah stood as an exception, being “perfect in his generations”. This means Noah maintained genetic purity, and was chosen to repopulate the earth after the flood. It’s a potent reminder of God’s intent for human genetic integrity and a stark warning against meddling with our genetic heritage.

Our Bodies, Temples of the Holy Spirit

The Bible teaches us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, which is necessary for our salvation. Any alteration to this ‘temple’ poses serious spiritual implications. Could it be possible that the Holy Spirit would refuse to inhabit a genetically modified human? It’s a question that compels deep reflection.

The Fine Line of Human DNA

Humans and apes share 98% of DNA, highlighting the fine line that defines our humanity. A seemingly small genetic alteration could theoretically change the status of a ‘human’. In the light of transhumanism, we must ask: at what point does a genetically modified human cease to be human?

mRNA Technology and its Spiritual Implications

The recent rise of mRNA technology, capable of potentially changing DNA via reverse-transcriptase, raises another profound question: What are the spiritual implications of such genetic modifications? As believers, we must grapple with these questions and seek God’s wisdom in discerning the appropriate response.


Transhumanism poses significant challenges to our ethical, legal, and spiritual foundations. It treads on the divine territory, potentially altering the sacred image of God in us, disrupting our genetic integrity, and perhaps even jeopardizing our salvation.

In the face of these profound implications, we must uphold the Biblical principles of respect for God’s creation, the value of human life, and the necessity of salvation through the Holy Spirit. As we navigate these uncharted waters, let’s pray for wisdom, discernment, and courage to stand firm in our faith, even as the waves of technological advancement surge around us.

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  1. User Avatar

    Halo Brad and David.
    I agree with what you wrote, and a very scary and sad idea indeed. I find it very interesting that not too long ago, the same scene played out in my thoughts regarding how the mark of the beast could work, – where humans’ brains would be taken over by their obsession with technological advances and it’s ability to transform them into a superior race.. But then things will go wrong with their bodies – the sores mentioned in Revelation? Idiot satan really imagines himself that he could outdo God’s design of us. Apparently Billgate is already busy developing a chip to shut of the part in human brain which is responsible for ‘religious or moral need’ , so as to cut man’ s need for God, axxording to a Freedom files video.

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